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How to Know When to Downsize

Downsizing can be a daunting chapter in one’s life. While it’s usually done by choice, it can often occur due to a change in one’s circumstances that make it necessary. Either way, it’s a big leap and adjustment for anyone to make.

If you’re not sure if or when to downsize, we can help. Here are ten reasons why you may choose to downsize.

Empty Nest

When the kids have taken flight and you no longer need all the space.


Fixed incomes and advanced age are often the perfect motivators.

The Simple Life

No more lawn to mow. No more expensive home repairs or maintenance. No more stress!

To Pay Off Debt

Some use the profit they make from selling a larger home to get out of debt.

A Change of Scenery

Sick or the suburbs and craving the coast? Downsizing is a great way to get a new view.

Loss of a Spouse

The loss of a mate is often the perfect impetus to think smaller and simpler.

Loss of a Job

No need to live under the pressure of a huge mortgage payment while you seek employment.

Elder Care Costs

Medical expenses are high and selling your home to help pay the costs can be a wise move.

College Expenses

The rising costs of higher education can often be funded with the profits from a home sale.

A Nomadic Lifestyle

Why stay in one place when you can travel and explore? Much easier to do with downsizing.

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